Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Look Outside Yourself

"You can overcome any obstacles by asking the right questions of the right people at the right time, then act on that advice with passion."

Dan Surface, author of The One Business Book You Absolutely Must Own

Neither one leader nor one company can have all the answers. There are many, many external sources for business leadership and guidance today, and you should look outside of your organization for solutions. There is wisdom in a multitude of counselors.

Business organizations, trade associations, international organizations, interest groups, universities and academic experts all have weighed in on best practices and corporate leadership.

Study these resources for practical tips and insights from those who spend a lot of time trying to figure out what companies and their leaders should do. More companies have discovered that great ideas come not only from their paid employees, but also from their loyal customers.

Take a cue from marketers who have asked customers to submit their own ads and commercials. Set up an informal group that meets once a year just to sound off on what you’re doing right and what you’re doing wrong. Tap into a social network of people who pay attention to your industry or who have been affected by it in some way.

Don’t be afraid to look outside yourself for answers, solutions, strategies and techniques to improve your corporate position.

(c) Adonis E. Hoffman, 2008.

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