Friday, May 31, 2019

Back to the [Drawing] Board

In the Boardroom
It has been quite some time since I used this medium to write about business issues, but now that I have returned, it seems like old hat.  My extended absence has been due in no small part to the pursuit of other ventures--most of which have focused on helping business entities to compete and communicate more effectively.  Much of this time has been spent in the boardrooms of corporations--meeting with directors, CEOs, executives, lawyers and C-suite leaders. 

My mission has been to help these business leaders to understand the virtue and value of conducting their business in the public interest. In essence, connecting corporate priorities with larger --sometimes competing -- interests. Whether the company is in the telecom, media, technology (TMT) industry; the banking, finance and credit industry; the energy sector; the biotech and pharmaceutical industry; the entertainment or hospitality industry, many of the challenges are similar.

Thus, as I return to writing about these issues and industries, I look forward to receiving more comments and recommendations from readers in the time ahead.