Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Huawei On Wrong Side of U.S. - China Divide

The United States has nothing to gain from trumping up illegal spying charges against Huawei.  Political logic suggests that a high-profile commercial spying allegation is no way to win friends and influence people in Beijing, especially when the U.S. - China trade relationship is way out of balance.  Thus, there must be some truth to the case against Huawei, the behemoth Chinese telecom gear maker that is currently under fire from American policymakers.  Huawei did nearly $1.7 billion in business in the U.S. alone last year, and wants to do more.  These charges, along with the corresponding investigation by Congress, the FBI and the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. (CFIUS) do not bode well for Huawei's American plans.  Speculation about bribery only compound the alleged threats to national security. If there is anything to be salvaged from this matter, it is that surreptitious business practices should not be welcome in any country--East or West.

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