Thursday, July 14, 2011

Leadership by Legerdemain

What happens when a leading company is found to be a cheater?  Does it shake the confidence of investors, employees, partners and customers?  Will it suffer legal consequences?  Will it lose market share or go under altogether?

I do not know the answer to these questions, but I am sure that Rupert Murdoch and his team of advisors are pondering these and more.  The success of Mr. Murdoch's media empire is virtually unrivaled, bur rumors of foul play--or at least hard checking-- have been whispered for years by those in the know.  

If the allegations in England hold true, and the transgressions there were done in the U.S.too, then the much-heralded Murdoch leadership legacy may be overshadowed by a few sleight of hand shortcuts that were completely unnecessary to beat the competition.

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