Thursday, February 07, 2008

Go Green

"Business is recognizing the role it can play in combating climate change. Thank God, is all I can say, for there is a desperately urgent need for business to play that role. Your lobbying influence can be substantial, but together, united and in large enough numbers it could prove decisive in turning the tide."

Prince Charles

If you have not yet realized the impact of the green revolution on business, you should accelerate your learning curve. Eco-friendly environmentally-conscious policies and practices are the order of the day for corporations, and consumers, policymakers and the media all expect companies to play by the new rules.

After decades of carping from the outside, environmental activists have succeeding in placing the environment on the corporate agenda. Today, environmentally conscious policies are a major part of the sustainability standards that all companies are expected to adopt if they are going to be considered responsible citizens. In addition to lowering carbon emissions and greenhouse gases, green policies and practices are proving to impact the bottom line quite favorably through reduced costs and increased energy savings.

Of course your commitment to going green will require your organization to make both short-term and long-term commitments and to open itself to even more scrutiny. But consider the impact made when private equity financiers made an environmental group a key part of the deal for a natural gas plant. In the end, leadership in this area will pay great dividends in corporate reputation, good will and consumer satisfaction.

(c) Adonis E. Hoffman, 2008

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